Monday 13 August 2018

English Language Challenges

A different language is a different vision of life
Federico Fellini

Learning a new language may be quite an adventure...!

Some people see language just as a means of communication. Sherlock would say "That's obvious, Watson, but..."

Learning another language means far more than acquiring and using varied lexis, mastering grammatical rules, understanding common idiomatic expressions, and using appropriate pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. These and other issues are the building blocks of everyday communication. However, language is produced by people differing in origin, race, cultural background, climate, educational system, interest, well-being, ...

Thus, the language of a particular group of people varies widely compared to that of another group of people living in a distant geographical site and using the same language; people living in warm, tropical regions are more talkative, express their feelings with strong voice and bodily movements, while people in cold regions speak with a lower voice, almost whispering their ideas, taking good care of cold drafts from affecting their throats and moving slowly to keep their bodies warm.

Similar and different
The pronunciation and the writing may also vary widely even in people speaking the same language. For various reasons, Irish, Scotish, English, Australian and American people of the USA, among others, speak English with their personal touch, either you like it or not. Inmigration has also played a part in the complexity and uniqueness of the language.

Thus, you might read "Monday thru Friday" instead of "Monday through Friday" or "tonite" instead of "tonight" and may hear "overr-itiin" instead of "over eighteen"...

Films, comics, facebook, videos, blogs, internet, RPGs, emoticons, chatting via whatsapp, twitters, ... are contributing to enrich,  for the better or the worse,  our language.

In this modern, computarized world, people are closer than ever in the history of mankind through the use of internet and learning a language can be facilitated through the use of plenty of resources, such as videos, on-line activities, games, blogs, songs, pen pals, youtube ...

Even visiting other countries is becoming easier.

During these terms you have been bombarded with exercises of various kinds: exercises from the web, webquests, role playing games and situations, instructions and dialogues in English, pronunciation exercises, blogs, units with special contents, oral interactions, videos, ... and  still there is a lot to be learnt. So, I wonder .... what are your English language challenges?

Now it's you turn.

 > What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university?
> What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on your teacher's and 3 of your partners'  posts.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Changes to my study programme

"Always keep your eyes open; keep watching, because whatever you see can inspire you" 
Grace Coddington

My good old days at the university were also demanding. Both the academic staff and the students claimed for changes to improve education and,  like today, there was a feeling of insatisfaction: libraries did not have enough books; the laboratories lacked enough supplies and/or technicians; the classrooms were not as clean as they should be; the materials to work with were expensive; the study programme missed significant subjects; ...  Yet, on graduation, we were all proud of the formation received and satisfied for all the accomplishments reached in those good old days.

Time seems to stand still and, although progress has solved many of the problems of the past decades, new demands arise that require major solutions. One issue that usually comes up is the study programme that seems to be always behind the times. Technology provides the tools that make things easier today ...

A few decades ago, internet was a interesting tool with plausible applications in the future; today, we cannot afford living without internet with all its benefits and risks...; robotics and artificial inteligence are increasingly becoming common issues in everyday life. Education has also benefited from technology, mainly internet, which has turned into an important source of information, training, entertaining...Thus, new areas of knowledge and new subjects have been created to fulfill the needs of current times and your career has also been touched by this era of changes: clinical pharmacy, gene therapy, biotechnology, genetically modified foods, nanotechnology, ... are just a few of the many new fields created in the last decades that have been included, to a certain degree, in your study programme.

In my good old days at the university, my classmates and I also thought that the study programme should have had significant changes to improve our education... What about you?

              Now, it's your turn

Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme (career)
Among others, think about:

- The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
- Workload and length of studies
- Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
- Use of technology
- Teaching methods

- Word Count: 250
- Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ and the teacher's posts.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

In my opinion

Chile is an extraordinary place to live and learn.... A distinctive mountain range,  deserts, rivers, lakes, beaches, islands, seas... together with warm people inhabiting every place in our country should lead us to be proud of and take better care of our enviroment, our culture, our history, our surroundings... 

Outlanders enjoy their holidays by doing a countless number of activities that range from skiing on the snowy slopes of Andes' mountains to fishing in rivers or lakes, or surfing the long waves in Pichilemu coast or .... The activities are so varied that I could spend hours describing them in a post like this.

Foreingers certainly want to know how people live in small towns as well as in big cities and they usually feel pleased with the warm welcome of our people.

In my opinion, we have much to do to be really proud of ourselves in relation to our way to communicate with one another and  how we take care of our environment and our belongings. We still have much to learn to love our country, our people, our history, our folklore...

Not long ago, Santiago was chosen as one of the most beautiful cities in America by an international  tourism organization; yet we hardly find information about the origin/history of the names of some places or streets. Did you know that Manquehue comes from "manque" meaning "condor" and "hue" that stands for land or site? That Nuñoa is a native term that means "a placed filled with Ñunos"? I think that we should spread this kind of information via information displays not only in Santiago, but also in other big and small cities and towns with the names of rivers, lakes.... Another example: Curicó comes from "curi", meaning "black" and "co", meaning "water".

As citizens of a big city like Santiago is, we should also take good care of our language, which reflects our way of living and thinking; we should also try to keep places clean, which shows your education... and so on and on...

Chilote's minga
Some years ago, my family and I were spending our summer holidays in Chiloé and I couldn't but feel proud of the historical information that we spontaneously received from a family living there. They told us about their traditions, folklore, cuisine, local attractions as well as their daily life activities and the future of their island... They actually felt proud of themselves.

I would have liked that this experience were commonplace all over our country, ...

In my opinion, globalization, especially via internet, is making us informed citizens and as such we should learn to become better individuals, exhibiting respect to our environment and to one another. There is still much to be learned ...

“Do not Do unto others what you don’t want others Do unto you.”


Now, your turn,

 Choose 4-5 of these questions. For each of them , write a 40 - 50 word response describing your personal opinions on the topic.
 Total number of words: aprox. 240
 Leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment on my sample post.

What is your opinion about women in the military?
What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
What is your opinion about violence on television?
What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
What is your opinion about climate change?
What is your opinion about cloning?
What is your opinion about recycling?
What is your opinion about Immigration?
What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Our smart brain and its mysteries

"Everyone walks by him, moving randomly and watching nowhere...images like thieves moving in his mind come and go...perhaps illusions that will fade away any minute..."

In times of loneliness, our imagination is a faithful company. We create our own friends who will be what we want them to be: someone to talk to, to love, to care, to hate, to dismiss, to feel pity on, to play with...

Our smart brain provides the input to satisfy our needs. This situation lasts for some time until someone from the actual world talks to you and you realize your own existence and importance. A smiling face in front of you can take you away from your abstract world and be a good company for a while. But, if you are not in the mood,  you shortly afterwards look through that face and immerse again in your own imaginary world. The smiling face says goodbye and fades away, while you only want to dream away...

Today is an awesome day. Early this morning I realized that the sun shines over me, the sky is bluer, the grass is greener, birds fly and sing, the weather is warmer, people walk and greet me. I smile back and say nice words to everyone along the street. I am in the mood for smiling, talking, touching, watching, feeling. I call a friend to have lunch with... It seems that my brain has shifted from the inner, private space to the outer, common place; perhaps it needs input to enrich its library with information from the outside world.

At noon, I enjoy my lunch, sometimes a brunch, in a cozy cafeteria; a good-looking girl waits on me and brings a dish that seems to be better than earlier ones. By the time I get home, I recall the activities done with a feeling of being in command, in closer contact with the real world.

But I wonder if I was in command of my decisions. Scientists have observed that mental processes occurring in our brain are faster than our (sometimes crucial) thoughts or decisions, e.g., when crossing a street, you jump away from a high-speed car before you realize that you are in danger of being hit by the car, even before thinking of the danger, otherwise you might be dead.

What about lunch, sex, sleep, .... ? Hormones and neurotransmitter cells are in charge of stimulating us to take some actions and others to delay or stop them. Thus, when we have lunch, dopamine is produced in the brain, giving you a sense of pleasure and stimulating you to go on eating. If you have eaten too much, another kind of neurotransmitter counteracts dopamine and you stop eating.

A few neurotransmitter cells
Significant changes occur during childhood, but as teenagers, and later as adults, you feel the urge of touching, kissing, loving the opposite sex. Why? Hormones and neurotransmitters are sending messages to brain cells to trigger the sex drive that will eventually lead to reproduction, and thus preservation of the human species... and here serotonin, another neurotransmitter, keeps you pleased as oxytocin and vassopresin help in creating a stronger bond with your partner.

Adrenaline is another neurotransmitter that plays an important role in our lives. Just an example: if you have been severely injured, this neurotransmitter gives you enough strength to withstand acute pain until help comes and/or pain subsides...

So, if my brain et al. are in charge of most of the living  processes, what decisions can I make?

I want to believe that I make the most important decisions in life, such as the kind of person I want to be, the girl I marry, the healthy dish I should have for lunch, the kind of book I want to read, the places I want to visit, the exercises I want to do to keep fit,  the number of hours I want to sleep,the career I want to study, ... are part of my free will.

And I always will be grateful to the mental processes ocurring in the 1.4 kg brain encased in the skull of my head, which is the major organ of the central nervous system and controls most processes and permits that I enjoy living.

Help our faithful brain et al., by having a healthy diet and doing exercises, preventing stroke and other undesirable illnesses.

Now it's your turn:

What organ(s)/system(s)/substance(s) /sense(s) of the human body is (are) amazing to you. Why.
What role it plays
Where it is located.
What size it has.
What illnesses can alter its normal functioning.
How you can help to keep it healthy.


Mental disorders or diseases

Name main characteristics of the mental disorder you are writing about.
Population that is prone to have it. (male, female, kids, old people)
Treatment used to control it.
Impact on work force of the mental disorder you describe.
Impact on family
Impact on society
Add any additional information to find relevant

Total Wordcount: 230 words minimum.
Remember to write a comment on the teacher's post and also to 3 classmates' post.
Remember to write comments on 3 classmates' posts and the teacher´s

Thursday 31 May 2018

Post Graduate Studies

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. 
William Pollard

Perhaps you wonder whether it is fair to ask about future post graduate studies now, when you are just undergraduate freshers studying at the university. Some of you are still evaluating your current career, wondering if you have chosen wisely.
(UK, postgraduate student = USA, graduate student)

The fact is that we live in times of haste, changes, progress, specialisation, ... Society is changing so fast that we need to be prepared and be flexible enough to adapt ourselves to new demands...

Some decades ago, Master and PhD degrees were a luxury that some privileged professionals could afford. At present, most universities have a Graduate School that offers graduate studies in the form of Diplomas, MS and PhD degrees... and these studies are becoming a necessity in various fields. 

Time flies and sooner rather than later you will have to think of having further studies on a specific subject. After four year of successful study, you will have a major in a discipline and then you should decide to go on after a professional degree (ie. Biochemist, Pharmacist, Chemist, Food Engineer...) and/or go on after a Master, PhD degree and do research.

Summing up, you will have a display of possibilities that will certaintly have an impact on your future:
Professional degree (Chemist, Pharmacist, Biochemist, Food Engineer...) is awarded by a university after completion of the professional programme;
Diplomas : usually short programmes given within the year to professionals or majors.
Master degree: usually a 2 yr long programme, is an academic degree awarded by a university (MA, Master of Arts; MSc, Master of Science; Master of Education; Master of Engineering; MBA, Master of Business Administration).
PhD degree: usually a 3-4 yr long programme given to applicants having a major or a professional degree

Higher specialisation has become a necessity in almost any area; however, sometimes technological advance leaves some specialities obsolete and newer specialisation is required to face novel challenges. On-line learning, following a well-designed program and suitable supervision may become a serious alternative to make the most out of your time.

Thus, it seems wise to start thinking of promising post graduate studies as soon as possible to have a wider range of attractive working fields of your liking at your disposal.

Now tell me about a post- graduate course(s) that you would consider taking in the future.

- Reasons to do the course
- Subject(s) you would like to study
- Where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)
- How you would like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)
- Any other relevant ideas

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
- Word Count: 220 words

Wednesday 9 May 2018

My future job

"If you think you are too big for small jobs, maybe you are too small for big jobs"

The Ingalls family
Little house on the Prairie was a TV series of the 1970s and early '80s based on the life of the Ingalls family who lived in the nineteenth and the turn of the 20th century in the USA. The everyday activities of this charming family give us a glipmse of their way of living in the new world.

Apart from surviving in a sometimes hostile surrounding, finding a job was not then a big deal: people worked as farmers, as fishermen, as craftsmen, as woodworkers, as handymen, bankers, silversmiths, furniture makers, traders... 

The probabilities of moving from one place to a distant one to find a new job offering greater possibilities for personal growth in a new attractive surrounding were limited, not always an easy decision, nor a feasible choice.

Downton Abbey's butler, housekeeper, maid
By then, in England, the butler and the housekeeper were common jobs, less glamourous than we want to believe after watching BBC series; the butler was the chief of servants in a household, while the housekeeper ran the house with the help of maids,  cooks, gardeners...  Many young people were moving from the countryside to the cities in search of a better future; some of them working in textiles, clothing, ... and leaving farming, mining, and other heavy activities behind.

At present, research and development, R&D, in various areas account largely for the continuous progress of mankind, internet being probably the most important breakthrough in our growth; and innovations in different areas are a challenge for today's man.

Inserting samples into a freezer - Nutrition Study
Credits: NASA
Thus, finding a good job nowadays is becoming a complex issue. After studying a significant number of years, you want a well-paid, comfortable, challenging job ... with modern (research) facilities in a healthy and friendly environment. In addition, globalization now permits mobility to work here and elsewhere and usually calls for a fairly good command of another language, mainly English.  

Our civilization becomes more demanding and we  have to be prepared to improve our abilities to adapt ourselves to this brave new  world since novel fields of work are open to your participation.

Luckily, we can use internet resources to find the best possible job and also to keep updated in our field of work. Some people have on-line jobs... maybe a future trend...

Free lance on-line job
I would like to have an on-line job in the near future. Technology is becoming a wonderful tool to work indoors and earn your living, thus it would be challenging to have a new start in a different environment...yet, I think that writing professional issues is gaining space in my mind.

At present, the once unreachable institutions, like NASA, are ready to offer new opportunities of job to capable professionals like you will become.

So how will your future be? I cannot but expect the best for you all.

Now, it's your turn,

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- What about the salary?
- What major are you studying /are you thinking of taking? Explain why
- Add any other related ideas.

Total Wordcount: 210
Remember to make comments on 3 of your classmates´s and the teacher's posts.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Music in my life

Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do without 

Have you ever wondered about the kind of music, melody, song, tune ... you first listened to? Most likely you were not born yet. Women use to sing to their unborn babies during pregnancy and some are fond of playing music from the radio (eg classical music for the Mozart effect) to let him/her enjoy music from the very beginning.

Most newly born babies happily eat, sleep and listen to music; when they are a few months old, they start clapping the rhythm of the melodies with their hands; and when they can walk, they have original ways of dancing the music they listen to.

When you are a young adult, you have developed preferences that are far from those in your childhood; however, you may sometimes feel comfortable with the "childish" music you have to hear when you are at a birthday party of some relative's or friend's son or daughter.

As we grow, we change our preferences and we develop our own taste. If you have parents fond of classical music or any other kind of music, you might have developed a liking for such kind of music. Have you ever found yourself humming a song that you don't like? ...the music you listened to when you were younger was recorded by your brain and sometimes it leaks out ...

Einstein on Mozart's music
I enjoy almost any kind of music. Depending on the mood, I listen to classical music such as Symphony 40, Mozart, or "Remembrance from the Alhambra" played by any famous guitarist; sometimes Calypso music (from Jamaica folklore) by Harry Belafonte; Rock and Pop music, such as songs from Bee Gees; Salsa, from a wide variety of famous singers and bands; Jazz from many players; or the Dutch symphonic metal compositions of EPICA. Like most of you, my preferences vary widely, since music is part of the joy in our lives.

Music in films is also essential, not only in musical films, such as The Sound of Music and Chicago; but also as the background score that gives a special atmosphere to a film, such as the movie soundtrack of the Lord of the Rings. Analyses of the musical scores of each of the films of the trilogy have been made to uncover hidden messages that certainly enrich the story.

The guitar, the piano, the violin are my favourite instruments; however, I must confess I play none of them. I enjoy dancing a bit of rock and roll and  salsa... I wonder if I would enjoy watching a ballet, I have never been to one. 

To my surprise, I enjoyed watching the musical films Mamma Mia and Les Miserables; both have wonderful musical scores and interpretations.... and the former is still on stage right now...!!

As you may have noticed by now, I love music.

Now, it's your turn

Write about

The importance of music in your life
The kind of music you like most
Instruments of your liking
The singer, band or group of singers you like
The kind of music that you do not like now, but you liked when you were younger.
The music of films that you remember
Any information you find pertinent to music appreciation

Wordcount: 200 words
Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and the teacher's

Tuesday 24 April 2018

My favourite book and film

"Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, 
but taste completely different." - Stephen King

Books are a pleasure that good readers enjoy. They lead you through mysteries, such as Agatha Christie's detective stories or Dan Brown's plots, to scientific, philosophical, historical, romantic issues in an endless number of genres written both in formal and informal language, fiction and non-fiction. 

When I was about ten, my father gave me a book to read it carefully, as it contained "messages that I would cherish all my life long". He was not fond of reading, but that book had meant a lot to him and wanted to transfer his feelings to me.

From Enrico's diary
I enjoyed reading it! The book written by Edmondo de Amicis, “Cuore”, the Italian term for "Heart", tells us about  Enrico—the main character—who is a nine-year-old boy, who writes about his life at school, his friends and not so much friends, their families, his teachers ... The novel covers one year of Enrico´s life at school narrated in the form of a diary; each classmate´s life develops and grows in your mind and you end up by feeling love and understanding for them. As Enrico’s classmates, you also waited eagerly for reading the story of the month; these remarkable “monthly stories” were short stories full of sensitivity, braveness, endurance, warmth and genuine love—one of such stories was “From the Apennines to the Andes”...

Grand Rex, Paris, France
As a teenager, I developed a liking for watching films in those attractive buildings with a superb architecture, similar to opera houses, where you could enjoy watching both the surroundings and the films and everyone would be quiet and respectful... no popcorn existed… Technicolor and Cinerama brought elegance and modernity, and super-productions became common. Ben-Hur, The Sound of Music, Star Wars and E.T The extraterrestrial were invested with the stateliness of the theatres.

Although technological advances have made possible to give life on screen to Tolkien's fantastic world, The Lord of the Rings; and Crichton's Jurassic Park;  I'd have liked to have watched them in the magnificent buildings of the past century without the sound of popcorn around me.

I enjoy watching films, so naming my favourite one is  especially hard to me. Big Fish, As Good as it gets, The lord of the rings, Sense and Sensibility, Skyfall, La la Land, Rainman, The Cyder House Rules, Faceoff, Dead Poet's Society ... are just a few of films that come to my mind...

Yet, there is a film that I think everyone should watch to live and learn from. We often hear that books are far better than films. A long time ago, I watched a film named "The Shawshank Redemption", a beautiful story of a man accused of murdering his wife and how he faced his life in prison; it has an extraordinary ending. Great casting, well-structured film.

I looked for the book and I realized that it was a rather short  (about 50 pages long) story written by Stephen King. The author and the director of the film worked together; the film was nominated to several Oscar awards, but won none. To the critics' surprise, the video was a complete success and today is considered a real masterpiece...! And I must say that the film was to me better than the novel; the music, the location, the casting and the direction contributed to the enrichment of a solid story.

Now, it is your turn:

Tell me what your favourite film and book are
What makes them attractive
When  you read/watched them
Why you recommend them
Minumum length :180 words.
Remember to make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and also the teacher's 

Tuesday 17 April 2018

The best holiday/concert I´ve had

a) Holidays...

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.
 A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Holidays mean fun, relaxation, enjoying yourself, plenty of free time to do anything with no obligation, no concern. You are the owner and master of your life and everything is within your reach, or at least you want to believe so. The mountains, the lakes, the beaches, the parks ... are waiting for you.

Going on holiday is so natural today that we feel frustated when we don't have them--even ashamed. This is so much so, that some people may spend a couple of days off a few miles away, just to say that they had spent wonderful holidays somewhere.

Yet, only wealthy people could afford "holidays" until the 19th century; their young sons spent sometimes a (long) time abroad in Europe, as part of their education.

Just at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in England, every worker got a Sunday off and about the end of that century some skilled workers had a Saturday afternoon off. Late in the nineteenth century, a few skilled workers obtained paid holidays in some countries . In the twentieth century, holidays gained space and from then on they are considered indispensable in our modern world.

Holidays mean memories and "carpe diem". I recall wonderful memories of journeys, travelling by train and enjoying with wide open eyes the landscapes, the trees, the forest...

 Market Place, Castro, Chiloé Island
In rather recent holidays, a couple of years ago, in Chiloé, I opened my eyes to my mother's birthplace. Beautiful views, piers, market places, hundreds of churches and the friendliness of Chilotes gained my heart. My wife and I went on tour to the "pinguineras" in Puñihuil and also visited many churches on the island. The weather was great, so we had splendid views. We also moved to Puerto Varas and Frutillar, spending some time admiring All Saint's Lake and Petrohue's waterfalls...
Petrohué Waterfalls, Puerto Varas

As my son and daugther had never been there, we planned to spend our holidays again in the south of Chile last year, having Puerto Montt as our lodging city. Our son-in-law and our son's fiancée joined us in this new adventure.

The weather was not benevolent, though. Stormy, rainy, cloudy and windy days did not permit to visit the spectacular places such as the Petrohue waterfalls or  All the Saints' Lake because of road closures. Yet, we were able to spend some time at various attractive places in Puerto Varas and Frutillar. We did also go to Chiloé under difficult atmospheric conditions; we visited a curious Mythological Theme Park, a few churches, piers, folk craft shops ... together with the folk Chiloé's typical cuisine. Our holidays in the South of Chile were different, but enjoyable by all means, with the warmth of being together...and this is what matters the most in one's holiday.

 Patrimonial Church, Castro, Chiloé
I would be unfair if I told you that  I spent my best holiday in Chiloé. I have been to other wonderful places  that certainly deserve a post as well.

By the way, why do we speak of "holidays"? In the Middle Ages and earlier, pilgrims went to shrines to show their devotion; they were on holidays (holy=sacred).

Now it's your turn:  Choose Holidays or Concert

Holidays:                                                                         Concert:
- when it was                                                                 - when / where it was
- where they went                                                         - the artist they saw
- how long it was                                                          - a bit of info about the artist
- people they went with                                                - describe the atmosphere
- things/activities they did                                               during the event
- why it has been the best so far                                    - describe how they felt and
- any other relevant info                                                   why they enjoyed it
                                                                                      - any other memories about it
Wordcount: 170

Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + comments on your teacher's post.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

A country I would like to visit

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes
Marcel Proust 

Travel agencies tempt tourists to discover new places and people during their holidays: "Visit and enjoy the wildlife in national parks and game reserves, Meet new people from all continents, Learn about their culture, Take delight in watching the architecture and art of ancient civilizations, ..."  

Missing the opportunity to travel seems to be out of the question ... if you are willing and have saved some money for food, transportation and lodging,....Hostals, B&Bs, cabins, campings, ... offer varied solutions to your stay.  Much better if you have friends or relatives abroad, they are a plus....

Mole National Park, Ghana, Africa
Where to go? The answer is simple: anywhere or everywhere as the world is becoming within your hands' reach and finding your place in the world is, for some people, a must

Technological advance in air, land and sea transportation has significanly contributed to make man's dreams come true, permitting to fly comfortably around the world, to cross the oceans in modern ships, to take high speed trains, to move in modern vehicles, ... 
I think back in time to the incredibly unglamorous long journeys across the sea of ancient sailors; most of them, explorers looking for places to settle in or treasures to take to their countries. Some were adventurers, but most of them, people in need. Ferdinand Magellan started a dangerous three year-long circumnavigation of the earth (1519-1522); he died during a battle in Phillipines... his expedition was completed by Sebastian Elcano. Others like Marco Polo (born in 1254), Vasco de Gama (1469), Sir Francis Drake (1540), James Cook (1728), ...  remind us of the sacrificed endeavour of ancient explorers. 

A few decades ago, a bold Chilean pilot, Roberto Parragué Singer (born in 1913), was able to fly for the first time to the Eastern Island (1951). The flight was considered suicidal by the experts of the time. The plane, named Manutara, took off from La Serena, went over  the Pacific Ocean and landed after a 19-hour flight on the island... the danger of running out of fuel had disappeared.

This exciting venture led me to Around the word in 80 days, the novel writen by Jules Verne in 1873 that reflects the restless, adventurous nature of man in a world too big to be known in such a short period of time... and with this in mind, I start thinking of the country I would like to visit... just for the pleasure of it.

Venice, Italy
Italy is certainly a must! Mediterranean climate, warm people, varied monuments, superb natural scenery, magnificent castles and churches, art everywhere, modern and ancient cities at the same time, air filled with music, elegant and mysterious places... Venice with their channels, gondolas, bridges and floating constructions, .... Italy is a country with plenty of interesting cities and towns, a country that deserves a visit to enjoy, learn and breathe historical events... a place that will surely be painted in the canvas of your mind for a long, long time. 

Acropolis, Greece
And, of course, Greece is at hand to go on... I imagine myself lying on the grass or sitting on a rock watching in my mind famous Greek gods and goddesses such as Zeus and Aphrodite.... On the other hand, can you imagine yourself being in Socrates', Plato's and  many other philosophers' land? Maybe some day....

Now, it´s your turn

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
- Upload pictures
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post
- Word Count: 160 words

Wednesday 4 April 2018

A bit about me

Claudio Telha M. is the only son of my parents. Unfortunately, my father passed away some years ago after a sudden disease, but my mother is alive and kicking, healthy and smiling. My father came from Europe after World War II and my mother travelled from Chiloé to Santiago where they met and  got married. This information may be irrelevant to you, but to me it meant to grow up without uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, granparents and so on....

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed going to the cinema, hanging out with my few, but good friends, collecting stamps, reading books and magazines....

I studied in Liceo Valentín Letelier and then I went to the university (Universidad de Chile)  where I enjoyed wonderful moments. I became a teacher of English--both social and scientific English. There I met the girl of my life, we got married and after a couple of years we became parents of a son and a daughter. My son is an engineer, lives in Brussels, Belgium, and is engaged with a Romanian girl;  my daughter is also an engineer now happily married; my son-in-law is an engineer as well; they live in Santiago.

I started giving classes of English in the Fac. of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences quite a long time ago. For about forty years I have been giving classes of Scientific English and from time to time Social English as well.

As I said above, as a single son, I have no brothers nor sisters, but now  I have my wife's relatives,  my son-in-law's relatives, Faculty friends and a large number of students who have been under my care along all these years, who have become, in a way, part of my family as well.