Tuesday 17 April 2018

The best holiday/concert I´ve had

a) Holidays...

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.
 A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Holidays mean fun, relaxation, enjoying yourself, plenty of free time to do anything with no obligation, no concern. You are the owner and master of your life and everything is within your reach, or at least you want to believe so. The mountains, the lakes, the beaches, the parks ... are waiting for you.

Going on holiday is so natural today that we feel frustated when we don't have them--even ashamed. This is so much so, that some people may spend a couple of days off a few miles away, just to say that they had spent wonderful holidays somewhere.

Yet, only wealthy people could afford "holidays" until the 19th century; their young sons spent sometimes a (long) time abroad in Europe, as part of their education.

Just at the beginning of the nineteenth century, in England, every worker got a Sunday off and about the end of that century some skilled workers had a Saturday afternoon off. Late in the nineteenth century, a few skilled workers obtained paid holidays in some countries . In the twentieth century, holidays gained space and from then on they are considered indispensable in our modern world.

Holidays mean memories and "carpe diem". I recall wonderful memories of journeys, travelling by train and enjoying with wide open eyes the landscapes, the trees, the forest...

 Market Place, Castro, Chiloé Island
In rather recent holidays, a couple of years ago, in Chiloé, I opened my eyes to my mother's birthplace. Beautiful views, piers, market places, hundreds of churches and the friendliness of Chilotes gained my heart. My wife and I went on tour to the "pinguineras" in Puñihuil and also visited many churches on the island. The weather was great, so we had splendid views. We also moved to Puerto Varas and Frutillar, spending some time admiring All Saint's Lake and Petrohue's waterfalls...
Petrohué Waterfalls, Puerto Varas

As my son and daugther had never been there, we planned to spend our holidays again in the south of Chile last year, having Puerto Montt as our lodging city. Our son-in-law and our son's fiancée joined us in this new adventure.

The weather was not benevolent, though. Stormy, rainy, cloudy and windy days did not permit to visit the spectacular places such as the Petrohue waterfalls or  All the Saints' Lake because of road closures. Yet, we were able to spend some time at various attractive places in Puerto Varas and Frutillar. We did also go to Chiloé under difficult atmospheric conditions; we visited a curious Mythological Theme Park, a few churches, piers, folk craft shops ... together with the folk Chiloé's typical cuisine. Our holidays in the South of Chile were different, but enjoyable by all means, with the warmth of being together...and this is what matters the most in one's holiday.

 Patrimonial Church, Castro, Chiloé
I would be unfair if I told you that  I spent my best holiday in Chiloé. I have been to other wonderful places  that certainly deserve a post as well.

By the way, why do we speak of "holidays"? In the Middle Ages and earlier, pilgrims went to shrines to show their devotion; they were on holidays (holy=sacred).

Now it's your turn:  Choose Holidays or Concert

Holidays:                                                                         Concert:
- when it was                                                                 - when / where it was
- where they went                                                         - the artist they saw
- how long it was                                                          - a bit of info about the artist
- people they went with                                                - describe the atmosphere
- things/activities they did                                               during the event
- why it has been the best so far                                    - describe how they felt and
- any other relevant info                                                   why they enjoyed it
                                                                                      - any other memories about it
Wordcount: 170

Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + comments on your teacher's post.


  1. I´ve never been to the south of Chile, I would like to travel there soon :(

  2. Holidays are a very special moment and spend them in the South of Chile sounds great.

    1. Hi Tomás,
      Mountains, rivers, beaches, national parks....ideal holidays...!!
      See you,

  3. i like south of chile too , i think the weather its awesome because i love rainy days :)

    1. Hi Luis,
      After rainy days, the sky is even bluer....
      See you,

  4. My dream holiday is to travel to the south of Chile because I love forests so much. Your post makes me wanna go there immediately!

    1. Hi Karina,
      You're right. There are many national parks to have the best time in your life..!
      See you,

  5. I wish I could go on holidays to the south of Chile, it has a lot of interesting places :O

    1. Hi Joaquín,
      Quite right! Parks, rivers, islands, churches, mountains, snow, volcanoes, .... too many places for a single visit...!
      See you,

  6. very nice blog! I love south of chile

    1. Hi Valentina,
      Me too! And there's always something new to live and learn...
      See you,

  7. i remember going to chiloe when i was younger and it was as beautiful as you say

    1. Hi Daniela,
      I hope you go again and rediscover it... You would enjoy it even more!
      See you,

  8. I love south of Chile! It's cold and nice

    1. HI Macarena,
      Right you are... People and nature are special...
      See you,

  9. I ever wanted to go to Chiloé, I think it's a beautiful place.

    1. Hi Camila,
      Now it's time to discover the beauty of nature and the kindness of people...
      See you,

  10. the south of Chile is very beatiful i love it

    1. Hi Francisco,
      And whenever you go, you always find wonderful places you had missed...
      See you,

  11. I love the south of the country

    1. Hi Sebastián,
      When I think of travelling abroad, I always think of the beautiful places that we have in our own country.
      See you,

  12. I hope one day , go there. Excelent!!!!

    1. Hi Camila,
      The sooner you go, the faster you will realize that our country is amazing...!
      See you,

  13. I don't like cold weather so I don't know if i'd go there haha!

    1. Hi Thomas,
      For better or worse, the weather is changing... and we are having more warmer days in the South...
      See you,

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Vicente,
      Sure... there are so many different and attractive places to visit there...We can't complain.
      See you,

  15. Awesome, i love the south of chile

    1. Hi Carla,
      Nice to know you like it... With so many attractive and peaceful places... ideal for your holidays...
      See you,
