Wednesday 2 May 2018

Music in my life

Music produces a kind of pleasure that human nature cannot do without 

Have you ever wondered about the kind of music, melody, song, tune ... you first listened to? Most likely you were not born yet. Women use to sing to their unborn babies during pregnancy and some are fond of playing music from the radio (eg classical music for the Mozart effect) to let him/her enjoy music from the very beginning.

Most newly born babies happily eat, sleep and listen to music; when they are a few months old, they start clapping the rhythm of the melodies with their hands; and when they can walk, they have original ways of dancing the music they listen to.

When you are a young adult, you have developed preferences that are far from those in your childhood; however, you may sometimes feel comfortable with the "childish" music you have to hear when you are at a birthday party of some relative's or friend's son or daughter.

As we grow, we change our preferences and we develop our own taste. If you have parents fond of classical music or any other kind of music, you might have developed a liking for such kind of music. Have you ever found yourself humming a song that you don't like? ...the music you listened to when you were younger was recorded by your brain and sometimes it leaks out ...

Einstein on Mozart's music
I enjoy almost any kind of music. Depending on the mood, I listen to classical music such as Symphony 40, Mozart, or "Remembrance from the Alhambra" played by any famous guitarist; sometimes Calypso music (from Jamaica folklore) by Harry Belafonte; Rock and Pop music, such as songs from Bee Gees; Salsa, from a wide variety of famous singers and bands; Jazz from many players; or the Dutch symphonic metal compositions of EPICA. Like most of you, my preferences vary widely, since music is part of the joy in our lives.

Music in films is also essential, not only in musical films, such as The Sound of Music and Chicago; but also as the background score that gives a special atmosphere to a film, such as the movie soundtrack of the Lord of the Rings. Analyses of the musical scores of each of the films of the trilogy have been made to uncover hidden messages that certainly enrich the story.

The guitar, the piano, the violin are my favourite instruments; however, I must confess I play none of them. I enjoy dancing a bit of rock and roll and  salsa... I wonder if I would enjoy watching a ballet, I have never been to one. 

To my surprise, I enjoyed watching the musical films Mamma Mia and Les Miserables; both have wonderful musical scores and interpretations.... and the former is still on stage right now...!!

As you may have noticed by now, I love music.

Now, it's your turn

Write about

The importance of music in your life
The kind of music you like most
Instruments of your liking
The singer, band or group of singers you like
The kind of music that you do not like now, but you liked when you were younger.
The music of films that you remember
Any information you find pertinent to music appreciation

Wordcount: 200 words
Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and the teacher's


  1. I´ve had never watch Les Miserables and Mamma Mia, i´ll try to watch them in my free time :)

    1. Hi Savka,
      Try them, you won´t regret...
      See you,

  2. I think we should appreciate classical music more, I find it quite relaxing.

    1. Hi Karina,
      Classical music should be listened to, taught, appreciated,... since early in childhood, largely at school...
      See you,

  3. I listen to classical music to relax myself and to concentrate.
    I saw les miserables last summer with some friends I didn't like it

    1. Hi Francisco,
      The musical film "Les Miserables" was amazing, a big surprise to me... Yet, we are all different.
      See you,

  4. Music is very important for our lives :O

    1. Hi Joaquín,
      And this is visible everywhere... people go to work and back home listening to music, go to concerts... and so on.
      See you,

  5. Listen the music that I listened when I was a child bring me a lot of memories.

    1. Hi Tomás,
      Childhood memories are usually great...It brings back images, sounds, dear people and places...
      See you,

  6. i like that there are people that still listen to this music:´)

    1. Hi Daniela,
      What kind of music do you like most? I'm sure you have many types of music...
      See you,

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Sebastián,
      Yet, there are people who do not appreciate background music on films...
      See you,

  8. I listen music depending on the mood too! I listen classical music when I study

    1. Hi Valentina,
      Many pieces of classical music are quite appropriate to relax and study... and some modern instrumental music is also fine to me...
      See you,

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Carla,
      Some instruments are good friends to play and listen...the guitar, the piano...
      See you,

  10. I love Les Misérables soundtrack!

    1. Hi Camila,
      The soundtrack is great...Did you enjoy the film?
      See you,

  11. The soundtrack of the movies are the best!!

    1. Hi Vicente,
      The background as well as the main musical theme are essential to me in a film... musical notes carry feelings not easily expressed in words.
      See you,

  12. music is very important, and i like classical music too

    1. Hi Camila,
      Nice to know you enjoy classical music too.
      On the other hand, have you ever listened to Epica? In its first years, this band played symphonic rock metal .... it might be quite an experience to you (try the phantom agony).
      See you,

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Macarena,
      I would very much like to watch the play in Chile... Maybe some day the musical will be on stage in Chile.
      See you,

  14. You should try a musical instrument!

    1. Hi Thomas,
      I have a electronic keyboard... but I need a teacher and a routine to really play something fluently and agreeably.
      See you,
